From: Product Group
To: Advisors, Affiliate Advisors, Managing Directors, Associate Managing Directors, Office Managers, Home Office Staff
Date: August 16, 2016
Regarding: Global Atlantic Fixed index annuity GLWB charge, withdrawal rate and premium bonus adjustments to take effect August 22, 2016
In their commitment to offer products with compelling benefits at reasonable costs, Global Atlantic routinely reviews all products, features and associated fees and charges in light of the current economic environment and industry trends. Due to the prolonged, persistent low interest rate environment, which is putting pressure on insurance pricing across the industry, the Choice Income, ForeSpending Select, Income 125+, Income 150+ and Index Bonus 115 fixed index annuities will be updated, effective August 22, 2016.
For more information, please contact Kevin Hedstrom at 860.838.4853.
101 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 208, Middletown, CT 06457
www.FuturitySource.com | 860.838.4800
For agent/advisor use only. Not for use by general public.
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