From: Product Group
To: Advisors, Affiliate Advisors, Managing Directors, Associate Managing Directors, Office Managers, Home Office Staff
Date: September 15, 2016
Regarding: Allianz – Change of Writing Numbers
Attention all Allianz appointed advisors:
As you may know, Dressander BHC recently purchased M3 Financial – who currently serves as our upline for all Allianz Annuities – both Traditional and Preferred products. As a result of this transaction, Allianz requires a change to your writing numbers.
We have been informed that you will not need to do anything at this time.
Allianz will execute a block transfer in the next couple of weeks and send letters stating the new writing numbers for each advisor.
Once you receive your new number, please use this for all new Allianz applications going forward.
We have been told that if business is submitted after the block transfer, Allianz will move it over to your new code.
If you have any questions, please contact Shenna Speer in Licensing at 1-866-504-1803 option 2 or Kevin Hedstrom at 860-838-4853.
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